Health and Environmental Illness

Resources about environmental illness and non-drug treatments

Vitamin B12

Many people are deficient in Vitamin B12 due to lack of sufficient absorption. Additionally, B12 is depleted or blocked by mercury, pesticides, chemicals, tobacco smoke, mycotoxins, and nitrous oxide anesthesia.

Vitamin B12: Vital Nutrient for Good Health
by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Causes Brain Shrinkage, Neurological Disorders
by Mike Adams,, September 2008


Using Vitamin B-12 for the Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by Dr. Charles W. Lapp, MD
Dr. Charles Lapp's B12 protocol.

B12: Rationale For Using B12
by Dr. Sarah Myhill, MD
Vitamin B12's role in metabolism is relevant to environmental illness: B12 interrupts the nitric oxide / peroxynitrite cycle and sustains the important methylation cycle.

The B-12 Deficiency in ME/CFS and FM May Provide Clues and Relief
by Dana Myatt, NMD, and Mark Ziemann, RN,, April 11, 2008

How to Choose the Right B12 for You
MTHFR Support Australia


Cobalamin Used in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Therapy is a Nitric Oxide Scavenger
by Martin L. Pall, PhD
Vitamin B12, in the form of hydroxocobalamin, is a component of the Neural Sensitization Protocol. According to Dr. Martin Pall, PhD, it "acts primarily as a nitric oxide scavenger" rather than relieving a deficiency.

Red Blood Cell Morphology and CFS/ME
interview with Dr. Les Simpson, PhD by Dr. Roger G. Mazlen, MD

New Study Links Repetitive or Continual Fatigue to Low Vitamin B12 and High Homocysteine in Cerebrospinal Fluid, June 6, 2006

Updated 3/13/2020