Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Multiple chemical sensitivity, or chemical sensitivity, is a
hypersensitivity to chemicals, generally organic solvents, pesticides,
and combustion products. Typically it develops after chemical injury.
It is not rare.
Epidemiologic research conducted in Atlanta in 1999 revealed that:
- 1.8% of the general public had lost a job due to chemical hypersensitivity
- 3.1% of the general public had been diagnosed with either environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity
Review of a Two-Phase Population Study of Multiple Chemical
by Stanley M. Caress and Anne C. Steinemann, Environmental
Health Perspectives
This study and others have found a rate of unusual sensitivity to
chemicals similar to the National Academy of Sciences estimate of 15%
of the general public.
Response to
Errors Prevalent in the Understanding of Environmental Illness
by Dr. Gerald H. Ross, MD
Prevalence studies, as well as evidence for neurological and
respiratory damage in MCS patients, are discussed.
Sensitivity (MCS) - What Is It?
by Dr. Sarah Myhill, MD
This is a brief description of chemical sensitivity and its
symptoms, how the body's ability to identify chemicals escalates to
chemical sensitivity, and who gets MCS.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Addendum to Biologic Markers in Immunotoxicology
National Research Council, 1992
"At the request of the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Research Council conducted a workshop to develop a research agenda to study the phenomenon of multiple chemical sensitivity. The workshop was convened with the overall objective of addressing the gaps in the scientific evidence on multiple chemical sensitivity. Workshop participants were multidisciplinary and included clinicians, immunologists, toxicologists, epidemiologists. psychiatrists, psychologists, and other involved in research or clinical activity relevant to the problem. "
Diagnosis and Treatment
Considerations for the
Diagnosis of Chemical Sensitivity
by Dr. William J. Rea, MD
of MCS and MUSES Syndrome
"Abnormal Medical Tests and Physical Signs Associated with Chemical
by MCS Referral & Resources
Pamphlet: Chemical
by Dr. Sherry A. Rogers, MD
in Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (paywall) Abstract)
by Dr. Gerald H. Ross, MD
Book: Chemical
Sensitivity: Tools, Diagnosis and Method of Treatment, Volume IV
by Dr. William J. Rea, MD
Biological Cause
of Tolerance--An Emerging Theory of Disease?
by Dr. Claudia S. Miller, MD, Environmental Health Perspectives,
Vol. 105, Suppl. 2, March 1997
This essential article analyzes the process of acquiring chemical
sensitivity and suggests how theories about the mechanism could be
experimentally demonstrated. The article clearly explains important
concepts related to chemical sensitivity, such as stimulatory and
withdrawal symptoms; masking; and habituation.
Book: Chemical
Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes, 2nd Edition
by Nicholas A. Ashford and Claudia S. Miller
Response to
Errors Prevalent in the Understanding of Environmental Illness
by Dr. Gerald H. Ross, MD
Here Dr. Gerald H. Ross, MD, reviews the
evidence of neurological damage in the chemically sensitive, who have
"neurocognitive and intellectual impairment, or emotional instability,
upon certain chemical exposures." Evidence includes:
- Brain scans of MCS patients show a "neurotoxic pattern of metabolic abnormalities in the brain"
- Brain scans show a worsening of the abnormalities on challenge with low-dose chemicals
- Nasal inflammation causes increased chemical absorption on inhalation
- SPECT scans demonstrate a corresponding increased nasal uptake of tracer
Airway Inflammation
Induction and Propagation of Chemical Sensitivity Based on Biopsy
by William J. Meggs, Environmental Health Perspectives,
Vol. 105, Suppl. 2, March 1997
Nitric Oxide / Peroxynitrite Cycle
See Neural Sensitization Protocol on this site
Book: Explaining
'Unexplained Illnesses': Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia,
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Gulf War Syndrome
by Martin L. Pall, PhD
Journal Articles:
Sensitization and Stimulation by Peroxynitrite, Nitric Oxide, and
Organic Solvents as the Mechanism of Chemical Sensitivity in
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (abstract)
by Martin L. Pall, The FASEB Journal, 2002
Oxide/Peroxynitrite Theory of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Central
Role of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors in the Sensitivity
by Martin L. Pall, Environmental Health Perspectives,
September 2003
The Vanilloid
Receptor as a Putative Target of Diverse Chemicals in Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity (abstract)
by Julius H. Anderson and Martin L. Pall, Archives of
Environmental Health, 2004
Book: Casualties
of Progress : Personal Histories from the Chemically Sensitive
by Alison Johnson, ed.
The personal stories collected by Alison Johnson demonstrate the course of chemical injury: exposures to solvents or pesticides, subsequent neurological problems, and increasing impairment with repeated exposures.
Environmental illness or MCS is often labeled "complex" and "mysterious" for purposes of obfuscation. Bruce and Barbara Small point out that it is the "simplest disease around," "subject to simple and often dramatic experiment." They add that chemical sensitivity is a natural consequence of society's overuse of synthetic chemicals, an overuse difficult to explain except in terms of addiction.
Health Story of the 80's
by Bruce and Barbara Small
The Chemical
Sensitivity Foundation
"The primary goal of the Chemical Sensitivity Foundation, a 501(c)3
nonprofit corporation, is to raise public awareness about multiple
chemical sensitivity."
The Environmental Illness
"Information and community resources for sufferers of CFS,
fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity, allergies, Candida, and
related conditions. Includes regular news, research updates,
doctor-authored articles, forums, book and product reviews and much
Environmental Health
Association of Nova Scotia
"Information about environmental illness, multiple chemical
sensitivity and less toxic living. The Environmental Health
Association of Nova Scotia is a volunteer, non-profit organization
founded in 1985."
HEAL of Southern Arizona
"Chemical Sensitivity Support Group. HEALSoAZ has been helping members
learn how to cope with MCS since 1983, in addition to educating the
public about MCS and the health effects of chemicals. We are a chapter
of the Human Ecology Action League and welcome new members."
MCS Friends
"MCS Friends Mission Statement:
1. Provide social support and helpful information about MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities)
2. Educate others about MCS
3. Help people find ways to cope with the problems caused by MCS"
Rocky Mountain
Environmental Health Association
"The Rocky Mountain Environmental Health Association is a support
group for people with chemical sensitivities. We provide a starting
point for information and resources about Environmental Illness (EI),
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Environmental Medicine, Sick
Building Syndrome (SBS), Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), and other related
environmentally aggravated health conditions."
Updated 11/12/2018