Health and Environmental Illness

Resources about environmental illness and non-drug treatments

Neural Sensitization Protocol - Martin Pall

Dr. Martin Pall, PhD (Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University) fused the theory of neural sensitization with a new disease paradigm. With Dr. Grace Ziem, MD, he developed a non-drug treatment protocol for environmental illness.

The protocol is described in Dr. Pall's book, in his scientific papers, and in the past on Dr. Ziem's website.

The Nitric Oxide Cycle / Neural Sensitization Disease Paradigm

Book: Explaining 'Unexplained Illnesses': Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Gulf War Syndrome by Martin Pall, PhD

In Explaining Unexplained Illnesses, Dr. Pall outlines a new disease paradigm: a vicious cycle of nitric oxide (NO) and its oxidant product peroxynitrite (ONOO¯) and its effects. The cycle is complex but involves what he describes as "well-established" and "known biochemical sequences."

The symptoms of the multisystem illnesses (his term for environmental illnesses) differ from one another according to which tissues are affected. In chronic fatigue syndrome, the NO/ONOO¯ cycle affects the mitochondria; in fibromyalgia, the cycle affects the thalamus; in post-traumatic stress disorder, the cycle affects the hippocampus; and in multiple chemical sensitivity, the cycle affects specific neurotransmitter receptors and causes neural sensitization.

In the fifty-page Chapter 15, Therapy, Dr. Pall reviews the natural substances used to treat CFS, MCS, and fibromyalgia, and presents his protocol (discussed below.)

Dr. Pall's book is closely argued from the evidence of hundreds of studies in biochemical and medical journals.

Treatment: Neural Sensitization Protocol

The Neural Sensitization Protocol was designed by Dr. Martin Pall, PhD and Dr. Grace Ziem, MD, to address neural sensitization in environmental illness. It involves nebulized glutathione and vitamin B12, and approximately two dozen nutritional supplements believed to be synergistic in down-regulating the nitric oxide cycle.

Besides the information in Dr. Pall's book, the protocol is also described on the web:

The Pall Protocol for Treating CFS/ME
by Erica Verrillo, ProHealth

Supplements in ME/CFS by Prof. Martin Pall
European Society for ME

Key Pharmacy, in Washington State, compounds the protocol and has further information.

Key Pharmacy

Dr. Pall worked with Nutricology to formulate a version of the oral protocol.

Nutricology: Martin Pall Products


Elsewhere, Dr. Pall has discussed the danger of one component of the Neural Sensitization Protocol, alpha lipoic acid, for those who have body stores of mercury.

According to Andrew Cutler, PhD, in his book Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment : What You Can Do to Get Better, How Your Doctor Can Help , alpha lipoic acid is a powerful chelator of mercury into and out of the central nervous system, and uninformed use can make you very sick. He says that it should be used only in a controlled way at the appropriate time.


Nitric Oxide Cycle Theory: Will It Explain CFS, FM, and Other 'Unexplained' Illness?
Q&A with Martin L. Pall, PhD


Live Chat with Martin L. Pall, PhD-July 6, 2007:
Professor of Biochemistry Explains Mechanisms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
& Suggested Protocol


A Conversation with MCS Researcher Martin Pall
by Linda Powers, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Aug.-Sept. 2005


Dr. Pall's profile on ResearchGate includes a list of his publications, many of which can be downloaded as PDFs.

Martin Pall on ResearchGate

ResearchGate is a social networking platform for academic, corporate, government, and medical researchers.

Chemical Sensitivity Journal Articles

NMDA Sensitization and Stimulation by Peroxynitrite, Nitric Oxide, and Organic Solvents as the Mechanism of Chemical Sensitivity in Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
by Martin L. Pall, The FASEB Journal, 2002 (abstract)

Elevated Nitric Oxide/Peroxynitrite Theory of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Central Role of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors in the Sensitivity Mechanism
by Martin L. Pall, Envronmental Health Perspectives, September 2003

The Vanilloid Receptor as a Putative Target of Diverse Chemicals in Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
by Julius H. Anderson and Martin L. Pall, Archives of Environmental Health, 2004 (abstract)

Updated 2/24/2019